I am not sure that reading novels based on weird dubs of 80s sci-fi
anime is the best use of my time, but I do it anyway. I've been reading
the Robotech novels like crazy lately, though I've been doing it wildly
out of order, and on Friday, I finished Metamorphosis, the 11th of them.
(The last one that I read was the 7th, so that should tell you my high
regard for logic in this case.) It was something that I found at a used
book store, so after I started reading it, I realized that it was the
second book in the New Generation story arc. The story still made as
much sense as it would have anyway, though, so it didn't bother me.
Like the other based-directly-on-episodes-of-the-cartoon
Robotech books that I've read, Metamorphosis is decently written, if not occasionally a little dry, but
full of parts where it seems like the author, constrained by the source
material, is ready to pound his face into his writing desk. There's one
part of this book in particular, where the book tries to explain why,
if all of the Macross stuff took place in the same area just a few
decades before, the characters come across a primitive society that
prays to a dam that's almost worth every page of the novel. It's all
sort of ridiculous, and this one, more than the other books in the
series, is incredibly episodic. Seeing as I'm irrationally fascinated
with Robotech, though, I really enjoyed it. It had enough sci-fi
nonsense to last me through breaks on two less than thrilling days of subbing, and the characters in
this story arc were really likable, too. Given the extremely specific target audience of this novel, I'm not sure if it would be
proper for me to recommend it to anyone else. Still, for my own
purposes, I'm way too excited that I've still got a stack of Robotech
books to get through.
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